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زراعة الأسنان

In cases where front, molar or canine teeth are damaged or lost, fixed or removable prostheses are placed on titanium implants with screws embedded in artificial bone. As a result of the treatment, dysarthria, mouth closure problems, bone loss in the jaw and changes in the facial structure are prevented. Dental implant treatment offers an aesthetic and natural smile in a natural and permanent way.

إذا لزم الأمر قبل الإجراء؛ يتم الانتهاء من علاج قناة الجذر، وحل مشاكل اللثة، وتنظيف تسوس الأسنان، وسحب الأسنان المتأثرة وعمل الحشوات (التثبيت).

What Are The Advantages Of The Implant?

The implant does not deteriorate and does not slip.

It provides a permanent, aesthetic and natural smile.

It is compatible with the mouth, teeth and bone structure and is resistant to forces.

You can laugh, eat, brush your teeth as you wish, and quickly return to your routine life.

You continue with your routine habits such as flossing for your oral health.

Who Is An Implant For?

In cases where the general oral health is favorable and the bone in the place where the implants will be placed is intact, zirconium implants can be placed to replace the lost and damaged teeth.

If there is bone deficiency, especially in advanced ages, as a result of dental radiography, bone grafting treatment can be applied before the implant is made.

After the implant is placed as a result of the consultation, the crown, dental bridge or dentures are placed.

الأسئلة المتداولة 

1.     How much does the dental implant procedure cost?

ليس من القانوني تحديد الأسعار على المواقع الإلكترونية للمراكز المعتمدة من وزارة الصحة. لهذا السبب، يمكنك الاتصال بعيادتنا والحصول على معلومات عن أسعارنا عبر تطبيق واتساب.

2.     Will I be able to chew after getting my dental implants?

Dental implants can withstand substantial forces of chewing, and you shouldn’t have to remove any foods from your diet.

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