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What is liposuction in Istanbul?

As a result of fatty foods, alcohol and sedentary life, fat is stored in the body and gradually turns into stubborn fat. With the Vaser liposuction method, excess fat ends in the body and you reach the flawless lines you dream of with Clinic 14. With this method, which is safer and less invasive than the classical vaser liposuction method, the recovery time is shorter.

Liposuction Procedure in Turkey

Before the operation, during the consultation you will make with our plastic surgeon, a drawing is made on the regions where you will have fat removed.

The duration of the operation performed under general anesthesia varies according to the number of regions.

The cannula is inserted through the mini incisions with a diameter of 2 mm and the fat cells are withdrawn with the help of a vacuum device.

What are the areas of application of liposuction in Turkey?

  • 360 liposuction: Abdominal liposuction, Back liposuction, love handle liposuction.
  • Chin & neck liposuction
  • Banana rolls liposuction 
  • Thighs and knees liposuction
  • Arm liposuction

Liposuction recovery & Aftercare after liposuction

After the operation, with the approval of the doctor, the patient is discharged the next day. Afterwards, the patient should stay in Turkey for five more days for drainage massage, doctor control and nurse care.

Lymphatic drainage massages should be performed in the first month after the operation when they return home. In this way, edema formation is prevented, relieved and optimal results are obtained.

L'indumento deve essere indossato per 2 mesi per consentire la guarigione dei tessuti inferiori. Potete utilizzare la faja che vi abbiamo fornito per le prime 4 settimane. Tuttavia, poiché l'edema diminuirà e l'assottigliamento continuerà, dovrà assumere la seconda fase della faja nel 2° mese.

L'astensione dalle abitudini dannose accorcia i tempi di recupero e consente di tornare rapidamente alla propria vita normale.

Quando ci si sente meglio dopo l'intervento, si può tornare al lavoro e alla vita normale.

Nel primo mese, è necessario evitare movimenti che costringano. È possibile riprendere le attività e gli esercizi dopo un mese.

What are the advantages of vaser liposuction?

Vaser liposuction does not cause any damage or change in bones and muscles. Only the fat are vacuumed.

The maximum amount of fat is removed from your body locally. The reason why this operation is regional is to prevent possible complications and bleeding during the operation.

You will still continue to lose fat in the area where liposuction was performed for the first month after the operation. Even if weight is gained in the area where the fat is removed, the fat storage decreases as the fat cells are removed.

È possibile aggiungere procedure di J-Plasma, di alta definizione (six pack) o di laser skin tightening per avere un aspetto più atletico, in altre parole per accentuare i muscoli o rassodare la pelle.

How much does the liposuction procedure cost in Turkey?

Non è legale specificare i prezzi sui siti web dei centri accreditati dal Ministero della Salute. Per questo motivo, è possibile contattare la nostra clinica e ottenere informazioni sui nostri prezzi via WhatsApp.

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