Blanchiment Des Dents
The number of sessions is determined according to the yellowing rate of your teeth, resulting in an aesthetic appearance. Before the session, cleaning is done and it is determined which whitening method is suitable for you. The whitening procedure can be carried out at home or in the clinic. As Clinic 14, we prefer to apply the whitening procedure under our control in our clinic.
Over time, habits such as poor nutrition, smoking, caffeine, alcohol, neglected oral hygiene cause the color of the teeth to change.
Internal whitening can be done for dark teeth after root canal treatment.
Laser Teeth Whitening (Office Type Whitening)
Before starting the whitening, dental tartar and plaque are cleaned. The whitening gel applied to the teeth is activated by laser lights or UV rays. Whitening your teeth will be four times whiter with a process that takes between 30 and 60 minutes. This process, which does not harm the anatomy of the teeth in any way, provides permanent whiteness for up to one year. Coloring foods should be avoided for the first week after bleaching.
How much does the procedure teeth whitening cost in Turkey?
Il n'est pas légal d'indiquer des prix sur les sites web des centres accrédités par le ministère de la santé. C'est pourquoi vous pouvez contacter notre clinique et obtenir des informations sur nos prix par WhatsApp.