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Tous sur 4 (Dents en un jour)

Comme toutes les dents de la bouche doivent être remplacées, il devient difficile d'implanter toutes les dents, surtout à un âge avancé. Avec le traitement des dents fixes en un seul jour, en ajustant la position et l'angle de fixation de 4 à 6 implants à la mâchoire supérieure et inférieure sur l'os de la mâchoire, vous pouvez finalement retirer votre prothèse mobile le même jour et obtenir vos dents fixes temporaires.

In cases where all the teeth in the mouth are lost or about to be lost, All on 4 treatment is one of the most successful methods among modern dental treatments.

As a result of the completion of the personal treatment suitable for the patient’s mouth and tooth anatomy, functional problems such as eating, speaking and laughing are eliminated, while aesthetic problems are also eliminated.

Procedure of All on 4

The type, angle and size of the implants are decided as a result of the intraoral examination, the result of X-rays, the patient’s oral health, and the personal treatment plan according to the tooth and jaw structure.

In the operation performed under local anesthesia, the implants are placed in the areas where the jawbone is still intact at an angle of 90 degrees in the front and 30-45 degrees in the back.

At the end of the first stage, a temporary fixed tooth is placed.

After the first phase of the treatment is over, the jawbone is expected to integrate with the implant for 3-4 months. After this period, the patient who comes for the second stage has permanent fixed teeth and all on 4 treatment is terminated.

Aftercare of All on 4

After the first stage is completed, it is necessary to follow the dentist’s recommendations for the integration of the implant with the bone, and you can also use the drugs prescribed to you if needed.

At the first stage, care should be taken to consume soft foods and that the foods are not too hot or cold.

After your permanent fixed teeth are attached, you can return to your normal eating habits.

Advantages of All on 4

Fixed teeth in one day

Treatment time is shorter and cheaper as there is no need for additional procedures such as sinus lift or bone grafting.

As a result of treatment, intraoral bone and tissue loss is prevented.

Best permanent results even in persistent cases

No palate part

How much does the All on 4 procedure cost?

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